Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Morning Ritual

Sitting outside watching the horses graze in the pasture.
Watching the silver web of dew that blankets the trail down to the pond.
Feeling so fortunate that this beauty is mine to behold.
Sighing at the memory of Pride and Prejudice when they meet that early morning on the glen to declare themselves.

I used to watch the birds come to my pear tree as the sun came up.
Now, with little ones, I wake up to slobbery kisses and tiny fingers going up my nose.
Just as happy.  
Just as beautiful.

J. Tackett


  1. definitely just as happy and a whole other kind of beautiful, too :)

  2. ahh thanks for the visit Amanda
    I thought I might as well make it official rather than keep putting your daily prompts on sticky notes
    I have really enjoyed discovering your site. I don't even know how I came to find it. Must have been kismet.
