Friday, November 29, 2013

I say yes to many many things in my little girls life. 
Sometimes I say "in a little while" and sometimes I say "no". Lately she has been giving me conditional invitations in anticipation of my declines. 
"Mama you can just sit and knit while I play beside you".
These are beautiful reminders of how much girls need their moms. Even when they aren't sure why or how they need us. 
I always appreciate these reminders to do my job better and to be a better person for her to access. 
I fail many times a day but so far I'm still given second chances.

J. Tackett for Emma

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Everyday Magic has been created to document the little things in life.  
To celebrate treasures that would otherwise go unnoticed.
To embrace magic through my children's eyes so it does not get lost in the adult world we live in.  
And lastly, to accept and celebrate this moment of time where I live right now, right this second.

A special thanks to Amanda at The Habit of Being for sharing her writing prompt a day to inspire my quiet time.